People need to find a job to earn money for their daily needs for example to buy food and pay their payments like electric bills and water. But sometimes if they try too hard maybe will be suffering from burn out. Below I will explain the reasons because of an employee will be suffering from burn out.

As you all know managers have a lot demands of their employees. They want to finish a work in time or earlier and sometimes they want to work more hours than the employees have the right to work. The above is a main reason that an employee will be for example depressed and with this to burn out.

The second reason for burn out is that sometimes employees are not satisfied with their work. Many people when they were kids, they had other habits which made them happier. As an example a kid maybe was good at arts like painting or music but its parents had other plans for it. So this kid as teenager did the best to gain high grades to study in University and become a doctor, a lawyer, an architecture etc. And now as an employee feels bored and hates his job.

Thirdly, for some reasons even though an employee tries hard in his work and satisfy his manager didn’t manage to get the promotion that so much wants. Manager decides that someone else and not he has to take the promotion and all this make him feel that he has disappointed not only himself but the others too.

And finally, there is a category of people who feel burn out even though they don’t work. These people are the employees who when they finish their studies send work letters in many managers and industries in order to find a job but unfortunately they don’t manage to hire. That because they don’t have qualifications and even worse don’t have an experience. So these categories of people not only suffer from burn out but most times don’t manage to pay their daily needs and maybe suffer from starving or they don’t have somewhere to live.

In many cases people need to have the independence to choose the job they want to work. They must be satisfied with salary, work conditions, manager and other colleagues behavior but most important to love their work and the condition that work demands.

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I’m Anthi

Ονομάζομαι Ανθή και είμαι απόφοιτη του τμήματος Τεχνολογίας Γεωπονίας του Τεχνολογικού Εκπαιδευτικού Ιδρύματος Κρήτης (από το 2019 ονομάζεται Ελληνικό Μεσογειακό Πανεπιστήμιο, ΕΛ.ΜΕ.ΠΑ). Αυτό το blog έχει ως στόχο την κριτική μου για βιβλία που διαβάζω κατά καιρούς αλλά και άρθρα για επίκαιρα θέματα.

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