After the death of Roberta, Clyde is trying to hide. The news about Roberta’s death body arrive in police station and the police begins to find clues about the death of this poor girl. When police arrive near the lake, find the purse of Roberta with clues about her name and where she lives. Tragic figures of the story are Roberta’s parents who when the policeman tell them about the death of their daughter, they are crying a lot and they don’t want to believe it.

But as Clyde is trying to hide, faith plays mystery games and by accident police find Clyde’s name, his relationship with Roberta and where he works and lives. At the end they find that Clyde is the murderer of Roberta. From that moment Clyde’s life ruins. At the trial his uncle hires two lawyers to help Clyde to be innocent but unfortunately he is going to execute in electric chair. The tragic figure of all story is Clyde’s mother who can’t believe the bad that has happened to her son. After the decision of his execute, Clyde leads to the room of death and he regrets of all of this he has done when people after the trial seems sad of Clyde’s execution. Clyde begin God (tragic irony as we know that Clyde didn’t believe in God like his family believed)  and he wants to live this last time before his execution peaceful and quiet.

And with Clyde’s execution ends the novel and after this reader has to ask himself questions about our society, belief, religion and at the end American dream and where all this can lead a young man like Clyde, beliefs of a society that sometimes lead you to disaster.

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I’m Anthi

Ονομάζομαι Ανθή και είμαι απόφοιτη του τμήματος Τεχνολογίας Γεωπονίας του Τεχνολογικού Εκπαιδευτικού Ιδρύματος Κρήτης (από το 2019 ονομάζεται Ελληνικό Μεσογειακό Πανεπιστήμιο, ΕΛ.ΜΕ.ΠΑ). Αυτό το blog έχει ως στόχο την κριτική μου για βιβλία που διαβάζω κατά καιρούς αλλά και άρθρα για επίκαιρα θέματα.

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